Re-Opening of the Early Childhood Program

Emergency Action Plan during COVID-19 Pandemic

Individuals at risk of severe illness should stay at home and keep away from others who are sick.

Monitoring children and staff for signs of COVID 19 will take place daily

Staff and children will be monitored for signs or symptoms of COVID 19 daily. Staff and parents of children will be asked to stay home if any of the following applies:
  • Have a temperature of 100 or higher.
  • Have had a fever of 100 or higher or other potential symptoms of COVID 19, such as shortness breath or persistent dry cough, within the last 72 hours.
  • Have encountered others who have tested positive for or have symptoms of COVID 19.

To reduce the risk of unknowingly spreading COVID 19

Repeated cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces like, tables, chairs, toys, play centers, doorknobs will take place throughout and at the end of the day.

Any child who develops signs / symptoms of COVID 19 while at the program will be immediately separated from others and staff will contact the parents and / or emergency contact to pick the child up.

Program schedule will be modified to encourage social distancing when possible.

Activity groups will be limited to no more than 10 in a group.

Child Drop off and Pick up procedures will be modified to ensure a limited number of people are entering the building.

Commercial Cloth masks will be provided for staff, cleaned, and disinfected after use.
  • Staff will be required to wear masks during diaper changing procedures, when preparing and serving food, and when in prolonged close contact with children, such as rubbing backs at nap.
  • Staff will be recommended to wear masks when social distancing is difficult.
  • Children will not be required to wear masks but will be permitted to wear them at a parent’s request.
  • Children will need to bring their own masks and will be permitted to remove it for eating and when they are not tolerating it well.
  • Masks for children must be disposable and will be disposed of when removed.
  • Used masks will not be put on children. You may want to send more than one mask.
  • Children under age 3 will not be permitted to wear masks.
  • Learning will include demonstrations of proper hygiene techniques.
  • Staff will be required to change clothing if secretions from children occur on their clothing.
  • Staff and children will practice regular handwashing including but not limited to:
    • Arrival to the program
    • Before and after meals
    • After using, or assisting a child with the bathroom
    • After nose blowing, coughing, or sneezing
    • After playing outside and in the gym
    • After using art supplies
    • Before and after making cots
    • Before and after feeding infants
    • Prior to being dismissed

If an enrolled child or employee tests positive for COVID 19

The Wayne County Public Health Department and the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs will be contacted. Christ Our Savior Early Childhood Program will follow the guidelines for next steps.

Christ Our Savior Early Childhood Program will post and notify families of any confirmed cases occurring with staff, children, or family members. This may result in having to close the center for 2-5 days to disinfect the classrooms and equipment again.

Returning to the child-care facility after suspected / confirmed COVID 19

If an individual has a fever, cough or shortness of breath and has not been around anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID 19, they should quarantine at home for:
  • A minimum of 7 days since the symptoms appeared and return no sooner than 72 hours (3 days) after the fever is gone (without the use of fever reducing medicine) and symptoms get better.
  • If the person’s symptoms worsen in 72 hours, they should contact their health care provider to determine if they should be tested for COVID 19.

If an individual or live in family member is diagnosed with COVID 19, they must remain out of the program for a minimum of 14 days after the onset of first symptoms. They may return under the following conditions:
  • If they had a fever; 3 days after the fever ended (without the use of fever reducing medicine) AND there is major improvement in their initial symptoms (e.g. cough, shortness of breath)
  • If there was no fever, 3 days after there is a major improvement in their initial symptoms.
All staff and families, upon entering the program, will be asked by the director to sign a form that states that you have read and agree to the policies listed in this Emergency Action Plan during COVID 19 Pandemic. These policies will remain in effect until the center is instructed that they can be lifted. Any or all of these may remain in effect indefinitely. You can print these policies along with the form to sign here under the 'everyone needs to fill out' section. Please return the signed form to the director, Laura Myers.






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