Our Men's Ministry strives to encourage and support to all the men of our congregation so that they may grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and reflect His love in their lives.
Men's Groups
Lutheran Layman's League
The Michigan District of the Lutheran Laymen’s League is one of over 40 LLL districts throughout the United States and Canada. The Lutheran Laymen’s League is the parent organization of the Lutheran Hour and Lutheran Hour Ministries.
Tuesday Evening Bible Study
The Tuesday Men’s Bible Study meets for fellowship, encouragement and instruction from God’s Word from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in rooms 5 & 6. They meet throughout the year, with the exception of the summer months. All men in the congregation are invited to join this group!
Thursday Morning Breakfast
Men’s Bible Breakfast meets Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:30am. Different topics are examined as they relate to men and their relationship to Jesus Christ. The group meets at Senate Coney Island on Plymouth Road and Stark.