
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

God is generous. Everything we have is from Him. As we respond to His generosity with our own generosity we get to participate in what God is doing in our lives and the lives of others around us. Giving out of the first portion that we receive helps us to put our trust in God and His care for us.  Our generosity allows others to see what we value in our lives and is one way that we get to participate in God's kingdom work.

Ways To Give

Give Online

You may use the online giving to give a recurring gift or a onetime gift. This option has a fee, charged by the provider for processing, attached to that you will have the opportunity to pay. You are not required to pay the fee. However, when you choose to pay the fee you are allowing the church to receive the full amount of your contribution.

Online Bill Pay

Set up a recurring automatic payment through your bank account. For accounting purposes, you can use your church offering envelope number, if applicable, as the account number.

Give In Person

During each worship service an offering is received. You may use your offering envelope to give cash or a check. Or you may write your offering envelope number on an envelope in the pew or on your check. This will help ensure your gift is on your contribution statement you receive from the church. You are always welcome to put loose change and cash into the offering plate. Any loose cash will not be recorded in your contribution statement. You may also mail in a check or donation to the church office.

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