International Missions
The congregation and staff at Christ Our Savior place a high priority on mission work and supporting the Body of Christ throughout the world. We are called by our Savior to "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15). As God gives each of us our vocation, He calls some to go and live in a foreign culture and share with the people there about the love of Jesus. We support four overseas missionaries who are serving the Lutheran Church around the globe.

Rev. David and Joyce Erber
Serving in West Africa
Rev. Erber and wife Joyce are currently serving in Ghana supporting and training local pastors.

Rev. Steven and Martha Mahlburg
Serving in Sri Lanka
Rev. Mahlburg provides administrative support and Christian education and also mentors pastors & lay people in the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sri Lanka.

Rev. Charles and Cheryl Ferry
Serving in Taiwan
Rev. Ferry is the Asia Regional Director for the LCMS. He is responsible for personnel and relationships in 20 countries.

Rev. James and Deaconess Christel Neuendorf
Serving in Puerto Rico
James serves as a church planter and pastor in the city of Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a deaconess, Christel is involved in the long-term disaster relief efforts at the mission's various Casa de Amparo y Respuesta al Desastre (House of Refuge and Disaster Response) mercy houses.