Support For Everyone

By Miriam Rossow, Communications Coordinator
Staying connected during this very strange time in our history can be difficult. We are asked to stay inside and only venture out for essentials like grocery shopping, prescriptions, or walks. When we do go out we are required to stay at least 6 feet away and are asked to wear a mask and gloves! A very strange time indeed and a very hard time to stay connected.

We do have wonderful technology that has allowed people to continue to worship, have Bible Studies,  and continue to work and keep us with classes. We have technology that allows us to see and hear each other in real time. These pieces of technology are a true blessing.

And technology can not replace our need for human contact. It can support and enhance but never replace. So in this time when human contact is dangerous for many and puts the lives of others at risk we rejoice in technology. We rejoice that technology has allowed us to continue to share Jesus and His love for everyone even when it looks and feels so different.

And while we rejoice in technology, we know there are some among us where using technology is difficult, cumbersome, annoying, and not even possible. We want to support and encourage everyone in the love of Jesus; those who use technology and those who do not!

Ways to stay Connected


The phone is a form of technology many are comfortable with. My mom is calling her aunt who has a land line and nothing else- no internet or smart phone. They talk for quite a while and then my mom puts her phone speaker to her computer speaker and they sit and listen to a podcast together. Then they are able to talk and share about what they heard and learned! I love the use of the old and new together. Find a way to share and connect using your phone! Now it can be used not only to hear each other, but to see each other!
  • Call your friends, small group, and other members you know may be lonely and isolated. This is the body of Christ at work as we support and encourage each other.
  • Text or e-mail your friends and family. 
  • If you have the capability you can facetime them!

Send a Card

We now have a little more time on our hands and can send good old fashioned snail mail! Yes, I would consider the pen, paper, & mail service a form of technology!

  • Write a note of encouragement.
  • Send a card with your favorite bible verse or a prayer.
  • Draw a picture and send it with a note.

Think of someone you know would be blessed by a piece of mail. Have your children, who may have more time on their hands, write a special note to a friend or grandparent.

Contact the Church Office

We are still able to receive your e-mails, notes, and calls. We want to support and encourage you. We want to know how you are doing.

We are compiling a list of people who do not have the ability to get online or who would like to receive the service in a form other than online. Please contact ( the church office and let us know that you or someone you know would be interested in this option.

We are able to receive your phone calls to the church phone number (734) 522-6830 between the hours of 9am-1pm on Monday-Thursday.


Radio options for services from Lutheran Hour Ministries are available. You can go to their website to find many more resources. Here are a few radio options they have in the area.
  • WAAM Ann Arbor 1600 AM Sunday at 9:00am
  • WRDT Detriot 107.1 FM or 560 AM Sunday at Noon
  • WDFN Farmington Hills 1130AM Sunday at 6:30am

Church Website

You are here and so you know all that can be found on our website. For those who have the ability and desire to be online we want to offer many options for learning and growing. On our website you will find...
  • Worship services and other helpful resources can be found on our Worship at Home page.
  • Our blog is full of articles with information, support, and encouragement, & Sunday School lessons.
  • You can listen and watch devotions from some of our members in our Family of Faith Devotionals.
Find something meaningful to you and comment and share it with your friends. You can invite others into a relationship with Jesus through the technology He has gifted us with as you share and comment. We can encourage and grow each other's faith as we discuss and wonder about the things in our lives and ask ourselves and others how Jesus is shaping us. Your faith is not intended to be hidden or on your own. Your faith and relationship with Jesus is better and stronger as you share it with others.


Facebook is a great place to connect with each other. You can comment, share, support, and encourage each other through Facebook. 
  • You can ask to join the group (christoursaviorlivonia). This is a private group for our members and close friends to support and encourage each other.
  • Follow, like, and share from our Facebook page (Christ Our Savior Livonia). This is our public space where we can share Christ Our Savior and the hope we have with our community.
  • If you are part of our preschool we have a new group (Christ Our Savior Early Childhood Center) on Facebook just for you. Stay connected to your teachers and other families.






2020 2nd thursday AAA pregnancy center Adult Bible Class Advent by candlelight Ascension Ash Wednesday Asia Bake Sale Belize Bible Class Bible Study Body of Christ CHRISTmas Blessings Care groups Christmas Class of 2020 Decade Epiphany Eyeglass clinic Family of God February Football Frenzy Ferrys First Responders Forever Young God chooses Good Shepherd Gospel Holy week Home for christmas Imposition of Ashes Inner-city pastor Kobe Bryant LWML Lent Life Light Linda Waara Livonia Look back MOST Mental Health Mercy Methodist Children's Home Society Methodist Children\'s Home Society Mike Puterbaugh Mission trip Missionaries New Year Next step Outreach Parenting Pastor Khumalo Pastor Read the Bible Riverboat Tour Seniors Silas South Africa Strategic Operations Workshop Sunday School Sunday morning Thrivent Tyler Update Vision We will Rise Women of the Word Worship 2021 You follow Me Youth Gathering Youth Group activities advent apricots baptism basketball berries bible study at home bible blessing brain and stroke cancer change cherries children in worship children chocolate comfort communications community connection connect control cooking coronavirus cross crsis dairy free death detroit dietrich bonhoeffer discipleship easter education egg free exercise faith families family of faith devotionals family of faith family fellowship full life fun future games generosity give thanksks giving gluten free good and bad good friday grief growth guatemala healthily lifestyle health heart health help holy spirit hope ice cream inspiration installation jesus legacy legend lemon life lessons lime love maundy thursday meals media memory mission trips missions mission mobile compassion ministry new creation new life no screens nut free offering online discipleship online ordination other fruits palm sunday pandemic parish nurse parish nursing paul peaches pentecost perfect love plans plan podcast prayer prepare promise quarantine racism recipes relationships remember reopening resources resurrection retreat return to worhsip rhubarb safety school senior pastor sermons servant serve service serving sharing the faith sharing staff staying connected stephen ministry street ministry student suicide summer support teams thank you tithes transitions trust video volunteer website wellness worship at home worship youth and family night zucchini