Family of God Street Ministry

This article was first published on the Family of God website. Find that article here and more about Family of God and the ministry they provide. Christ Our Savior continues to be involved through pray, financial support, and volunteer support as we move into the new year. We look forward to seeing how God will support and lift up this new way of sharing His love to the people of Southwest Detroit. 
By Rev. Jim Hill
Almost three years have gone by since Family of God moved from the little store front church on Sharon and Vernor to our new church on Whittaker Street in Southwest Detroit.
Much has changed: more people coming, a beautiful sanctuary to worship in, and more ministry opportunities. (kids summer programs, tutoring, Narcotics Anonymous group)

We also are host to The Luke Project 52 clinic, a mobile and neighborhood clinic to serve in women’s health. We also host Pan da Vida, an LCMS Spanish worshipping congregation. As well we are working with Ellies House to make a difference for victims of human trafficking. These partnerships are unanticipated blessings.

With all that going on, it’s time to refocus and maintain our mission to the hopeless: drug addicts whom have no hope, the homeless homelessness and those caught up in human trafficking. Deacon Tim LeClair (soon to be an SMP pastor) and I acknowledged that there are so many out there who are either unaware Family of God exists or are too distant to make the walk. These off the grid people are everywhere if you have eyes to see.

We recognized that there is so much more to do. In our flesh we want to limit our mission: But how can we do more? Should we say we do enough?

But Christ’s words echo in our hearts:
I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick, and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. (Matthew 25:36-40)

How do we get to these prodigal sons and daughters? First step: pray. The answer came quickly; street ministry. We needed to become mobile. What happened next was amazing! God provided a brand-new pull-behind trailer that has a heater and generator for electricity!!!

Describing the vision of this ministry to Tim’s Christian coworker and to One Sheep Ministry in Monroe (Trinity and Grace LCMS congregations), their two donations covered the full cost.
God’s plan is underway! We have the trailer on order and are patiently anticipating delivery. There will be many more needs, the things to be given away, but trusting in God’s will, we move forward in obedience to the Lord’s purpose.

This trailer can provide a change of clothing, a warm place to change into those clothes that is safe, someone to give them the opportunity to get to a shelter, hot food, hygiene kits, and most importantly the message of hope that only the Gospel can provide.

Our initial plan is to go out on the first and third Saturday morning of every month with a team of 4-6 people. We will be relying on God’s provision through supporting congregations and donations for people, funds, and food. The team will meet at Family of God around 7:30 AM to prepare the trailer with food clothing and the human need resources required for the day and then leave Family of God at 9:30 AM. Our route begins at Patton Park on the west side of town and ends at Clark Park at the other end of Mexicantown.

Deacon Tim is excited and blessed to be heading up this ministry. We trust Gods plan for this ministry will bring some comfort to those who are suffering but most importantly, HOPE to a place infected with hopelessness and despair.  We ask that you remember this ministry in your prayers, and prayerfully consider joining us in another effort that God is using to reach His people!

We trust Gods plan for this ministry will bring some comfort to those who are suffering but most importantly, HOPE to a place infected with hopelessness and despair.






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