Sermon: The Lord Sets Up His Tent Among Us
One of the great names of our Lord that we hear at Advent and Christmas is Immanuel, which means “God with us.” The One we worship is not merely a God who is above and beyond us but a God who comes to be with us and live among us. This is wonderfully foreshadowed in how the Lord was with His people in the Old Testament. The fiery cloud of His presence dwelt within a tabernacle covered in animal skins. He was there with His people to bless and lead and guide them. The purpose of the tabernacle comes to its fulfillment in the birth of Jesus. John 1:14 says, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The Greek word for dwelt literally means “tabernacled.” The cloud and fire of the Son of God’s presence now dwells in human skin, body and soul. He is forever “God with us,” the true God who is among us as true man to lead and bless and guide us. Since we have passed through the watery cloud of our Baptism into Christ, we look forward to being brought by Him into the promised land, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.