Sunday Mornings

9:45 - 10:45 a.m.

Summer Schedule

Starts June 16, 2024
Ends August 25, 2024

Adult Bible Studies

Callings for Life

Led by Pastor Werner and others in the gym

What were you put on earth to do? Tough question. Let's talk about it! Come and take part in our summer Bible class as we read together the book Callings for Life by Jeffrey Leininger. In this class, we will open our eyes to the ways that God is at work in our world and learn how God is calling each and every one of us. Copies of the book are available for purchase ($14). Contact Pastor Joel ( with any questions.

Bethel Bible Series

Led by Judy Mayle in the Gethsemane Chapel

The Bethel Bible Series takes a deep look at the Bible, exploring the historic and cultural setting of the text as well as the theological meaning. The materials help us to see how the Old Testament and New Testament relate to each other, and provide deeper insight into each book of the Bible. They are currently studying the New Testament.